A leading proponent of transparency in OTC derivatives markets, GFI provides technology to facilitate price discovery and liquidity aggregation in both liquid and illiquid markets. GFI has been a pioneer in hybrid broking: electronic trading supported by experienced voice brokers.
GFI operates electronic markets across fixed income, FX, interest rates and energy products through its platforms GFI CreditMatch®, ForexMatch®, RatesMatchSM and EnergyMatch®. Combining pre-trade, execution and post-trade capabilities, these award-winning platforms offer choice of execution method, such as central limit order book (CLOB), request for quote (RFQ) and Matching, and satisfy post-trade clearing and reporting requirements.
In addition, GFI has enhanced its technology offerings with the acquisition of both FENICS Software Ltd. in 2001 and Trayport Ltd. in 2008. FENICS software provides market-leading price discovery, risk management and trade support services within FX options markets. Trayport is the leading provider of trading software in the European energy markets and is used by brokers, exchanges and trading counterparties.
GFI is in the process of registering as a swap execution facility (SEF) and designated contracts market (DCM) in North America and an organised trading facility (OTF) in Europe.