GFI Group Compliance
1 Snowden Street
London EC2A 2DQ
United Kingdom
+44 207 422 1000
Email Compliance EMEA


GFI’s UK brokerage entity (GFI Securities Limited) is duly authorised and regulated to conduct investment business by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) with the Part IV permission under the provisions of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. All investment business conducted by GFI Group in the UK is subject to the rules of the FCA.

EMEA Terms of Business

GFI Securities Limited MIFIDPRU 8 Disclosures can be found here.

GFI Group EMEA Branches:
GFI Securities Limited GFI Brokers Limited
Tel Aviv Branch Dubai Branch – Terms of Business
Nyon Branch Dubai Branch – External Order Execution Policy

GFI’s South African brokerage entities GFI South Africa (Pty) Ltd and GFI International Capital Markets Brokers (Pty) Ltd are members of, the JSE and regulated by the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). These entities and GFI African Money Brokers (Pty) Ltd are registered with the Financial Intelligence Centre.

South Africa Terms of Business
Information (PAIA) Manual

GFI Group South Africa Entities:
GFI South Africa (Pty) Ltd GFI International and Capital Markets Brokers (Pty) Ltd GFI African Money Brokers (Pty) Ltd