GFI Group Compliance
55 Water Street
New York, NY10041
United States of America
+212 968 4100
Email Compliance New York
United States
Principally regulated by the SEC, CFTC, NFA and FINRA. Registered broker/dealer pursuant to rule 15 of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.
GFI Securities LLC is a member of the following exchanges: | |
International Securities Exchange (ISE) | Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) |
ICE Futures U.S. (ICE) |
GFI Securities LLC is a member of the following Associations and Professional Bodies: | |
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) | National Futures Association (NFA) |
Securities Industry & Financial Markets Association | Wholesale Markets Brokers Association Americas |
Futures Industry Association (FIA) |
Order Routing
GFI Securities LLC is required by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to make publicly available quarterly reports on their order routing practices. The report provides information on the routing of “non-directed orders” – any order that the customer has not specifically instructed to be routed to a particular venue for execution. For these non-directed orders, GFI Securities LLC has selected the execution venue on behalf of its customers.
The report is divided into four sections: one for securities listed on the New York Stock exchange, one for securities listed on The Nasdaq Stock Market, one for securities listed on the American Stock Exchange or regional exchanges, and one for exchange-listed options. For each section, this report identifies the venues most often selected by GFI Securities LLC, sets forth the percentage of various types of orders routed to the venues, and discusses the material aspects of GFI’s relationship with the venues. View Report
For legacy 606 reports please click here.
Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options
For GFI Securities LLC’s customers interested in trading Standardized Options through GFI Securities LLC, please click here to review the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options
Futures Disclosure on Payment
for Order Flow
When firms provide execution
services to customers, either in conjunction with clearing services or in an
execution only capacity, they may, in some circumstances, direct orders to
unaffiliated market makers, other executing firms, individual floor brokers or
floor brokerage groups for execution. When such unaffiliated parties are used,
they may, where permitted, agree to price concessions, volume discounts or
refunds, rebates or similar payments in return for receiving such business.
Likewise, on occasion, in connection with exchanges that permit pre-execution
discussions and “off-floor” transactions such as block trading, exchanges of
physicals, swaps or options for futures or equivalent transactions, a
counterparty solicited to trade opposite customers of an executing firm may
make payments described above and/or pay a commission to the executing firm in
connection with that transaction. This could be viewed as an apparent conflict
of interest. In order to determine whether transactions executed for your account
are subject to the above circumstances, please contact your executing firm
account representative.
To help the U.S. government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all U.S. financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each individual or institution that opens an account or establishes a customer relationship with Cantor Fitzgerald.
What this means: If you enter into a new customer relationship with Cantor Fitzgerald, the Firm will ask for your name, address, date of birth (as applicable), and other identification information. This information will be used to verify your identity. As appropriate, the Firm may, in its discretion, ask for additional documentation or information. If all required documentation or information is not provided, Cantor Fitzgerald may be unable to open an account or establish a relationship with you.